"Kamala is brat!" If you have no idea what that means, or even if you do, the latest episode of Boundary Issues, the podcast I co-host with my sister Ayelet, is for you.
Why is it that Democrats seem to be winning the war of memes in the 2024 presidential campaign, doing better at this battle of online signs and signifiers than they have in the past? And does it make a difference?
To explore the issue, we spoke with Amanda Marcotte, senior politics writer at Salon.com and author of of Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself, and Jennifer Stromer-Galley, professor in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University and author of Presidential Campaigning in the Internet Age.
I’ve put the whole episode here for your listening pleasure, but you should also subscribe wherever you get your podcasts; there are links below.
Here’s the episode:
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This is newsworthy and worth my time? I doubt it.