I like to think of the NYT’s editorial voice as the “passive omniscient.”

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"All the news that's fit to print." Ha!

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"But her emails." Perfect characterization! In the old days (meaning when there were still newspapers), reporters would have interviewed those closest colleagues to Biden which you mentioned, in order to get a balanced story. But noooo--now ratings are king. Thanx, Rupert.

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I doubt there is any greater influence on voters' decisions than "influential" news media that is driven by the need to exploit even the smallest controversy for the sake of profits. And the egos of journalists must also be taken into account - having one's name in the byline of an article read by millions must be a real chest-thumper.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Excellent analysis. The how-and-why of the editorial groupthink that defines the news agenda has long fascinated and appalled me. Thanks.

Btw, I did a site specific search on the NYT for stories about Biden's age before the Hur report came out. Also, considering he is now at the age that he said four years ago should disqualify Biden from running, for Trump too.

Using the keywords Biden+age+old there are six NYT stories in the last twenty-four months. Want to guess how many there for a NYT search with Trump+age+old as keywords? None. And none for any year all the way back to 2018.

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