What a bunch of corrupt right wing tools of Leonard Leo and his benefactors. Yesterday they bless corruption (why wouldn't they? Who will support Thomas' lifestyle or pay Kavanaugh's gambling debts?). Today they gut the EPA and the SEC. Quite a record they are setting. Job one when Biden is re-elected with Senate and House majorities - expand the court to neutralize these thugs before they can do even more damage.

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"This is where Donald Trump and his movement enter the picture. The kind of system the court is promoting, where there’s nothing wrong with a mayor taking a $13,000 'gratuity' for sending business a trucking company’s way, is something Donald Trump is not only all in favor of for his own corrupt reasons, but something he wants everyone to accept. As I’ve written before, his argument is never that he isn’t corrupt or guilty of all manner of misdeeds, but that everyone is."

Donald "Syndrome" Trump: "And when everyone's corrupt, *NO ONE'S* corrupt!"

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Of course it’s the court’s direct intention.

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"And whether it’s their intention or not, the conservatives on the Supreme Court are promoting that utterly debased view of government."

I remember chuckling when I saw the interview of a woman back in 1981 who fled the United States to live in another country because it was turning into a Fascist state.

Now she seems like a visionary. 😳

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