Someone should ask her how it is that AOC’s ideas like workplace safety, affordable high quality health care, housing, childcare and education would do nothing for blue collar workers.

I have personal experience with the help Democrats have given to rural communities and the blue collar workers who live there. I grew up in a small town on the Ohio River, a part of Appalachia. My hometown has been badly hurt by the closing of major manufacturing plants in the area but the hospital has been able to survive and grow because of Medicaid and other programs begun by LBJ’s War on Poverty. In 2020 Sherrod Brown got a $ 175,000 grant for a telemedicine hub for the hospital. The hospital serves a large region and is now the biggest employer.

Now there a new, cutting edge steel rolling plant being built in the area that would not have been built without the construction of a new wastewater treatment system which came from the Biden infrastructure bill.

The NY Times and the rest of the mainstream media know that Democrats have always done a lot for the poor and working class and that Republicans would take away all they programs that are so critical to these people but they just won’t stop their “Dems look down on blue collar workers and have nothing to offer them” storyline. They knew Hillary Clinton was the one who had a substantive, well-funded plan to help coal country and that Trump had nothing to offer but the lie that he would bring back coal jobs. Yet when she tried to speak about her plans the media took one statement out of context so they could portray her as being indifferent to those people.Here is an excerpt from that speech:

“ And we’re going to make it clear that we don’t want to forget those people. Those people labored in those mines for generations, losing their health, often losing their lives to turn on our lights and power our factories. Now we’ve got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels, but I don’t want to move away from the people who did the best they could to produce energy that we relied on.”

“ Hillary Clinton’s “coal gaffe” is a microcosm of her twisted treatment by the media”


But what got reported by the mainstream “liberal” media was only that Hillary began by saying we were going to take away a lot of coal jobs. The media went out of their way to falsely portray her as elitist and heartless.

This is the same media that is blithely recommending that the millions of votes we Democrats cast in the primaries for Biden just be thrown out; no concern for that, no interviews in Starbucks.

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When the Democrats lose this race it will no have anything to do with Biden's age or Trump's criminality. It will be due to the NYT and the rest of the corporate media focusing on Biden's flaws, not Trump's violent fascism. It will be due to Biden prioritizing AIPAC and Netanyahu over the children of Gaza. It will be due to the usual Democratic spinelessness. It will be due to a craven Democratic elite that is living in the past and fails to recognize the existential threat we face. And it will be due to a donor class that wants something that I cannot define or understand. I'm so angry with the Democratic elites right now I could just scream!!!!

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You need to read the extensive piece by the Times' editorial board today and calm the fuck down.

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The one from yesterday where they finally woke up and realized that Trump is a disaster? Which they followed up with a story about last night's press conference leading with Biden's gaffes? How about this headline "Democrats Fear Safe Blue States Turning Purple as Biden Stays the Course"? Or this one "Donors Said to Freeze Roughly $90 Million While Biden Stays in Race"? Or this one "The news conference answered many questions, but not the big one, our TV critic writes." And then for Trump coverage we have "Martyr Inc.: How Trump Monetized a Persecution Narrative" and "Donald Trump appears to be giving more weight to political calculations in selecting a running mate.".

Don't tell me to calm the fuck down. The NYT figures they did their duty with one fucking column, and today they are right back at it.

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You are correct. I myself have said the NYT has been gunning for Biden ever since he took office. But what they should be doing is endorsing Biden, and I'm not holding my breath.

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They will endorse the Democratic candidate, even if they haven't driven Biden out of the race. It'll come after the convention, close to Labor Day.

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Of course. They cannot force Biden out. The problem is, they're pushing for a Trump victory if they don't STFU and get behind the president, who really is the best candidate for the job. That is, unless you care to vote for either Trump or Marianne Williamson.

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Are “blue, white, pink” collar even a way to categorize workers any longer? Paul: you wrote a book about this recently. What is your take?

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Freshman Congressperson making noise. Yawn.

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First off, this is a woodworking household and we love our SawStop like nobody's business. We're also in WA state-- not her district, but a few away, and she represented something entirely unsurprising when she showed up on the scene-- there are a lot of voters in W. WA who lean Democrat or "moderate Republican" (whatever that is or ever was) who feel really unheard because they're swamped out by the very progressive politics, and high population, in the Seattle MSA.

I live just 10 miles from Seattle and my neighborhood is about as politically diverse as it gets, with roots in the blue-collar Boeing workforce and small post-war bungalows and now also home to Amazonians and REI execs in multimillion dollar modern homes. We all get along quite well (they all know we're proud Democrats and that what we do for a living proves it pretty unabashedly). But there's a tension here that reflects the state more broadly (my next-door neighbor proudly informed us that when he noticed a Lime bike left a block away, he loaded it in his truck and drove it to a public transit center "because that's a Seattle Thing! It doesn't belong here!")

So her positions connected with people in her district, and I think it's because a lot of them knew she had to say what she said to beat her opponent (who even by MAGA standards was considered an idiot) but also sensed some, dare I say it, authenticity in her views. The Democratic party's "Big Tent" now encompasses anybody who doesn't like MAGA, so the tent is forcing people with starkly different views on the world into the same coalition, and it's not easy for the ones in the tent only because their previous tent was taken over by the Mob. She's kind of embodying that forced resettlement.

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