The fact that one of the main underlying factors leading up to 9/11 was US support for Israel and Israel's steadily encroaching settlements into Palestinian land makes all of this even more incoherent. I don't need a self-interest based reason to refuse to condone the slaughter of unarmed civilians by anyone, but if I did I can't think of anything more foolish than blindly supporting Israel even MORE to the extent that both parties are now.

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Thank you Paul for asking all the questions I've been wondering about since Orange Jesus was elected. I live in South Georgia surrounded by Trumptards who are all fascists to varying degrees. It has never made sense to me why these same people claim to be friends of the Jews, while still blaming George Soros for everything except climate change only because they don't believe in it.

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What Republicans like the despicable Stefanik do not understand is that Jews are more than an ethnic group whose votes they are seeking. We are a people, yes, but we are a people with a set of beliefs and core principles. Those principles are subject to interpretation and endless argument, but for most American Jews -- at least, for most Reform Jews -- I believe that the values and policies of today's Republican Party are completely at odds with the teachings of our religion. Could we even have a dialogue on that point with the GOP politicians purporting to defend us against antisemitism? Hard to imagine.

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Never underestimate that capacity of people to believe what they want to believe, absurd and ridiculous though it may be.

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How is the GOP getting away with it? Easy - lazy both sides journalism.

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Well, because there is another side to it. Muslim supremacism and Palestinian supremacism are simply a species of MAGA or MPGA (Palestine instead of America) Fascism, just for brown people instead of white people. To some extent militant national liberationist movements that support terrorist tactics or refuse to judge them are basically MAGA for people who are not white. And they have an odd collection of liberal or lefty or white sympathizers who excuse them because they're approach is "oh, but it's OK if *they* do it and break rules, because they are culturally exotic/indigenous/not settler colonials/fill-in-the-blank". Standards and rules and expectations are just for white, Christian, small d democratic societies and cultures.

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