This is dumb. Do Jewish students on campus imagine the anti Jewish hate? Are you gaslighting us, or yourself regarding anti _Jewish_ hate of the left (not anti Zionist hate). After WW2 newly-formed Israel absorbed far more Jewish refugees from the Holocaust than the US. After Arab countries pogromed, persecuted and expelled a million Jews out of the Middle East 800K of them got absorbed by Israel, not the US. When the Soviet Union fell apart and antisemitism rose sharply there Israel absorbed most of those Jews. Same for Argentinian Jews during the far Right junta. Israel continues to remain the refuge for persecuted Jews, preventing them from becoming stateless. Let’s remember that at the start of WW2 the US turned around refugee boats and sent them back to their death in Nazi Europe.
Guess what, when Jews in Canada, the UK, France and parts of the US have enough with anti Jewish hate speech, vandalism, assaults, and never ending Jew hate in public schools, universities, and other ‘progressive spaces’ they will still have Israel as a refuge.
The advantage Jews have in Israel is that they grow up feeling normal. Their culture isn’t derided, their existence isn’t questioned by everyone around them. They’re not blamed for the ills of the world. They don’t have to become hateful anti Zionist token Jews as a survival mechanism among ‘friends’ who would celebrate their death had Hamas murdered them. American Jews are constantly, mentally threatened and Jews in Israel are not. That’s why Israelis have confidence and progressive American Jews have no spine.
This is true up to a point. Consider what happened during the Holocaust, when the allies refused to bomb the train lines and concentration camps, despite knowing what was going on there. Had there been an Israeli air force, you can bet those concentration camps and train lines would have been demolished.
If Trump gets re-elected there are a lot of groups who will be in big trouble starting with Muslim and black Americans. The threat to women has already been made clear in states like Texas. Given that Trump is more than willing to align with far right Jews and one of his top advisors is Stephen Miller, a Jew, I doubt that the threat to Jews is as great. I think the fact that most Jews are white makes them more acceptable to Trump despite his obvious anti-Semitic stereotypes.
Yet another superficial commentary that can’t help blaming things on Trump and an undefined “right”, that is apparently the true bastion of antisemitism, despite the fact that Trump’s grandchildren are Jewish and he has never called for antisemitism. The right’s supposed hate of Muslims and the academy might just be a very logical repugnance toward a religion that explicitly calls for hatred and destruction of Jews, gays and general misogyny (see official pronunciations from the theocracy of Iran, Palestine, Yemen, etc.) and the explicit support of such from academia as well as their outwardly racist anti liberal policies ( see current events). You sir have your head in the sand.
It is always exhausting how little attention is paid to other victims of the Holocaust. Government eugenics programs were performing executions of those with mental and physical disabilities long before WWII. There is a point at which the dismissal or intentional ignorance of the plight of other marginalized people, both throughout history and specifically under fascist governments, is enough of an offense against the cherished values of Jewish culture that hearts are hardened, and Zionism appears to be another hustle. As John Ganz discussed regarding this quote, Zionism has largely served as a means for Jews to become honorary whites in the view of Western conservatives, in their mimicry of the peculiar institution of settler colonialism.
Shall we found a nation of refuge for LGBTQ people? Why not?
Correction: perhaps the most notable extermination campaign of Gentile undesirables was not begun until 1939. However, involuntary sterilization substantially predated this.
This is dumb. Do Jewish students on campus imagine the anti Jewish hate? Are you gaslighting us, or yourself regarding anti _Jewish_ hate of the left (not anti Zionist hate). After WW2 newly-formed Israel absorbed far more Jewish refugees from the Holocaust than the US. After Arab countries pogromed, persecuted and expelled a million Jews out of the Middle East 800K of them got absorbed by Israel, not the US. When the Soviet Union fell apart and antisemitism rose sharply there Israel absorbed most of those Jews. Same for Argentinian Jews during the far Right junta. Israel continues to remain the refuge for persecuted Jews, preventing them from becoming stateless. Let’s remember that at the start of WW2 the US turned around refugee boats and sent them back to their death in Nazi Europe.
Guess what, when Jews in Canada, the UK, France and parts of the US have enough with anti Jewish hate speech, vandalism, assaults, and never ending Jew hate in public schools, universities, and other ‘progressive spaces’ they will still have Israel as a refuge.
The advantage Jews have in Israel is that they grow up feeling normal. Their culture isn’t derided, their existence isn’t questioned by everyone around them. They’re not blamed for the ills of the world. They don’t have to become hateful anti Zionist token Jews as a survival mechanism among ‘friends’ who would celebrate their death had Hamas murdered them. American Jews are constantly, mentally threatened and Jews in Israel are not. That’s why Israelis have confidence and progressive American Jews have no spine.
This is true up to a point. Consider what happened during the Holocaust, when the allies refused to bomb the train lines and concentration camps, despite knowing what was going on there. Had there been an Israeli air force, you can bet those concentration camps and train lines would have been demolished.
If Trump gets re-elected there are a lot of groups who will be in big trouble starting with Muslim and black Americans. The threat to women has already been made clear in states like Texas. Given that Trump is more than willing to align with far right Jews and one of his top advisors is Stephen Miller, a Jew, I doubt that the threat to Jews is as great. I think the fact that most Jews are white makes them more acceptable to Trump despite his obvious anti-Semitic stereotypes.
Yet another superficial commentary that can’t help blaming things on Trump and an undefined “right”, that is apparently the true bastion of antisemitism, despite the fact that Trump’s grandchildren are Jewish and he has never called for antisemitism. The right’s supposed hate of Muslims and the academy might just be a very logical repugnance toward a religion that explicitly calls for hatred and destruction of Jews, gays and general misogyny (see official pronunciations from the theocracy of Iran, Palestine, Yemen, etc.) and the explicit support of such from academia as well as their outwardly racist anti liberal policies ( see current events). You sir have your head in the sand.
It is always exhausting how little attention is paid to other victims of the Holocaust. Government eugenics programs were performing executions of those with mental and physical disabilities long before WWII. There is a point at which the dismissal or intentional ignorance of the plight of other marginalized people, both throughout history and specifically under fascist governments, is enough of an offense against the cherished values of Jewish culture that hearts are hardened, and Zionism appears to be another hustle. As John Ganz discussed regarding this quote, Zionism has largely served as a means for Jews to become honorary whites in the view of Western conservatives, in their mimicry of the peculiar institution of settler colonialism.
Shall we found a nation of refuge for LGBTQ people? Why not?
Correction: perhaps the most notable extermination campaign of Gentile undesirables was not begun until 1939. However, involuntary sterilization substantially predated this.