First of all, Hillary Clinton was right. So was Obama when he said people get bitter and cling to their guns and religion. They both got tremendous amounts of crap for saying those things, and they are both trivially, uncontroversially correct.

Second of all, I’m not going out of my way to insult Trump supporters (even though going out of their way to insult people is 100% of Trumpism now), but I’m not going out of my way not to either, and I really hope the rest of us do the same. The beauty of the “weird” meme is that it doesn’t go out of its way to reassure people that “we may not be talking about you.” For the first time in the history of this country, comfortable white suburbanites are in the position of having to prove they’re “one of the good ones.” Good!

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Any so-called political analysis that does not treat seriously with the Dobbs blowback is not worth the time of day, IMHO.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

According to an article up at Talking Points Memo, Vance has a six-figure investment in Rumble, the far right neo-Nazi platform.


Apparently we are also importing deplorables:

‘First, Murdoch papers targeted me. Now there is evidence they falsely implicated me in a cover-up:”

By Gordon Brown (former Prime Minister of the UK and leader of the Labor Party)

“Asked why millions of News Group emails were deleted, Washington Post publisher Will Lewis pointed the finger at me”


I cannot believe Will Lewis is till the publisher of the WaPo. When he was asked why he allowed the deletion of millions of emails (that authorities had ordered be kept as evidence in the phone hacking scandal) Lewis said they had been alerted to the fact that people working for Gordon Brown had ordered emails to be stolen. The article details the horrifying extent of the invasion of Brown’s privacy. It’s jaw-dropping — and not behind a paywall.

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Tom Friedman is an imbecile. I have thought so ever since he had the nerve to mansplain the Egyptian revolution to Egyptians back in 2011.

One more thing - Hilary Clinton was right.

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Say wasn’t Friedman one of those Bidenistas?

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Mostly agree, but I'd include the guy who straps an AR-15 on his back to go to Starbucks. Unless you're a union organizer, what's so scary? Or the guy who yelled white nationalist threats at a friend on a busy street corner in broad daylight. [There's a whole cast of these characters, but you get the idea.] Those folks are simultaneously ridiculous and frightening, and while there were a few of them who popped up now again pre-2016, Trump's election certainly authorized them to be more visible and proud of themselves.

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