Outstanding in many respects, including the research culled and the infectious joy from KH laughter. Yes, white male Rs cannot deal with, in any reasonable way, an accomplished Black woman "who does not know her place". Thank you for this.

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i enjoyed Waldman's observations at first, and suppose he is right about Trump. But I find myself a little uneasy about politicizing Kamala's laughter. Can't we be left to just enjoy it without spoiling it with dubious analyzing?

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Republicans are already politicizing it just like they did Hillary’s laugh — which Chris Matthews once called a cackle. I couple of years ago I also read media reports criticizing Harris’s giggle. And it’s not just Republicans. I was furious when some in the mainstream media criticized her for giggling. It’s a classic way of demeaning powerful women.

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i haven't had much experience with demeaning women or the men that do, but I can't say I haven't run across a few of them. They are not the sort of people I would voluntarily spend time with. I like Kamala and will vote for her if I get the chance. What I was talking about was wanting to be allowed to enjoy Kamala's laugh without having to fit it into someone's political theory of everything, whether Right or Left, or just what they taught them in journalism school or English Lit.

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The last time Trump actually laughed was when he was in third grade and he pushed the chubby kid into a dumpster. He's a classic bully, zero sense of humor, overwhelming paranoia, skin so thin you can see thru it. And as for the firefighter's gear - as a 30 year volunteer firefighter there is no way that was the murder victim's real turnout gear, it looked brand new off the rack, never worn to a scene.

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The point is, how tasteless to kiss a fireman's gear, a man who should never have even been standing close enough to be shot for that worthless pile of shit Trump.

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Pretty f'king tasteless. But his red hatted violent racist horde loves it. And we are all poorer for it.

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There are cultures that disapprove of the sound of a woman laughing. How refreshing and wonderful is Kamala's laugh!

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Her laugh is repulsive and pathetic. People who laugh like she does are covering up for insecurity or just plain ignorance.

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