I concur with your reasoning about the SC throwing justice a couple of crumbs while they feed the bigger anti-democracy cases steaks. The fact that 4 SC justices allowed this bogus, muscle flexing request by fpotus, when the SC has no jurisdiction over a state judge sentencing matter, shows how far that cabal of 4 - all recipients of corrupt billionaire largesse BTW - will go to shred any semblance of adhering to constitutional law. Thank you Mr. Waldman, for clarifying the.... stakes!

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So, Scalia gave us W, but that is not news and hasn't been for many years. And W was about as bad a leader as could be found until Trump came along. But the problem is we are blaming W and Trump for what they do. We should be blaming Scalia, and Roberts, and the Republican NC Court, and Cannon, etc. for the outcomes of their actions to protect or embolden Republicans. Roberts crafted presidential immunity out of thin air, when Trump does something awful, and he will, place it at Roberts' feet. Imagine the reputation of SCOTUS if we had blamed Scalia and the justices that inflicted Bush on us? The court would have been expanded long ago. So let's resolve that since we know Republican courts are going to enable Republican shit, let's blame them, not the mediocre Republican politicians that do the bad shit.

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so who gave s Scalia? and Alito and Thomas and...

And who gave us Reagan and W and Trump?

why, WE did. who knew"

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The real problem—what really threatens the Court’s legitimacy—is pointing the actions it takes that threaten its legitimacy. I mean, where would be if everyone knew the con man’s tricks? Same place, probably. They can pull off the robbery in broad daylight because plenty of voters are cheering them on.

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Scalia got approvals from Opus Dei. And forgiveness from his Opus Sei priest son.

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I'm not sure who Opus Dei is. the Catholic Church or just a right wing faction in the Church?

It should not be surprising if the Church is as narrow minded as the rest of us.I suspect they think they know what is important and best for us in the long run. But we ought to be careful about making our side "a war against religion." It is very hard or impossible to change people's beliefs...especially when those beliefs are their only hope for an end to the suffering of this world. There are plenty of bad actors...including sometimes our own "side" more directly responsible for what we don't like in the world. We need to focus on them rather than make enemies of the poor people we claim to want to help.

The bad guys strategy has always been divide and conquer.

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