Trump knows he’s going to lose, and lose badly, so he is sowing the seeds of the next Jan.6.

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Bang on. He -- and the MAGAts -- know they're not going to win the popular vote. (Recall that the orange criminal fell short by some 8 million votes in 2020, then add in the backlash against the anti-reproductive-rights ultra-extremism.) The plan is to "win" by screwing up the vote counting and electoral process as badly as possible at the state and Congressional levels, and jam the matter through the courts up to the MAGA-adoring Supreme Court. And if that somehow doesn't get it done, they'll simply try to take over the government by force.

All the bigotry, hateful spewing, vicious lies and propaganda, etc., aren't intended to be campaigning that wins over voters. They're just to drive the country's blood pressure and temperature up to the breaking point so that the slightest touch on the hair trigger will set off the violence that the orange criminal and the fascist white supremacists badly want.

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Is this actually a "problem" for him? He shows no inclination to stop at anything other than seizure of the WH.

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“As long as that’s where his attention is focused, his defeat becomes more likely.” And as his defeat becomes more likely, that’s where his attention focuses.

And that’s for two reasons: Like you say, he’s preparing excuses in advance for court cases, for leaning on election officials and, if necessary, more violence (as well as an excuse for his bosses Putin and MBS when he has to explain he doesn’t have their money and can’t sell them any more secrets). Secondly, he’s such a deformed person that he can’t conceive of losing and certainly can’t conceive of changing the things he says in order to become more popular and win. Like any domestic abuser, it’s not “fun” unless he can be his absolute sloppiest, worst, most disordered self and still get what he wants.

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All true. And as he found out in 2020, "excuses" are not the same as "evidence." 💙

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Smooth move, Donnie. Do everything you can to throw monkey wrenches into the works, then claim fraud.

Yeah, there's fraud alright - the former President of the United States keeps interfering.

You'd probably have much better numbers if you just Leave Everything Alone!!

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