We had the County Unit System in the Georgia Democratic primary, which was the de facto general election back in the time of one-party-rule (until the 1960s). The three smallest counties had as much voting power as Fulton County (Atlanta), which had 80 times their combined population. The segregationists loved the system. I've written about it here https://asiatimes.com/2020/11/refusal-to-concede-georgias-been-there-done-that/ and here https://asiatimes.com/2020/12/the-devil-went-down-to-georgia/

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Yes! I was going to mention the county unit system, but the piece was already too long.

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May 29
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Wanna show your math and explain how that would have been better for the slow kids in class?

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The relevant "one person, one vote" decision which got rid of this was Baker v Carr (1963). What do you think the current Supremes would do with this? I don't want to find out.

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You fundamentally don't understand our government. The system in Texas is borked but that doesn't mean the EC is.

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Texas could’ve had a democrat for Governor. But no, they re-elected Abbott knowing full well what a radical he is and that’d he rubber stamp any right wing agenda.


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