Reality will set in soon enough, not the the lost souls deep in the MAGA cult, but with all of those marginal MAGAs who voted for cheaper eggs, cheaper gas, an end to the genocide in Gaza or because they just couldn't vote for a black woman. Trump's lunatic plans will raise prices across the board (if bird flu hasn't done it first) because of his tariffs or because no one will be around to harvest the crops. His release of 1500 violent MAGA terrorists will result in more than a few acts of violence in Trump's name. Rubio ducked this morning, how many elected Republicans will be able to duck in the future. And we don't even need to get started on the damage to public health withdrawl from the WHO and the placement of RFKJr. at HHS will cause. The backlash to the backlash may make what the MAGAs are doing today like Amateur Hour.

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The whole point of the MAGA manipulators is that reality doesn’t have to set in. And they’ve done a pretty good job of proving themselves right.

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There are NO ideas with any potency. It’s all just weak bullshit twaddle.

My mother died this summer at 103; I miss her, but I’m glad she didn’t have to experience this. She was a dancer in the USO at the Hollywood Canteen in WWII, and worked hard her whole life to bring about civil rights and economic justice, to promote religious tolerance, dialog and work, building coalitions in her community. She was on the forefront of women’s rights, a docent at the Art Museum who brought schoolchildren from the inner city to expose them to the greater world of culture. She was loved and loved others.

She was the polar opposite of those who have taken the reins of power. I could not hate them any more than I already do.

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May her memory be a revolution.

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Thank you.

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My condolences for your mother. I can appreciate what you shared about her life, actively involved in furthering civil rights, women's rights, justice, tolerance, building community, art and cultural awareness of and for all human beings. I like that she was a dancer at the USO. She must have been born in 1921, same year as my father who had planned on playing tennis at 100, but passed shy of 97 due to tiredness. His father lived to 101 and was like botonist at the UN botanical gardens in NYC. His mother was a championship winner of Tango dancing in 1913.

I am NOT happy to live in an era when tolerating differences among human beings are not only shrinking, but even to acknowledge is promising to become dangerous. There are multiple faultlines, fragments, clashing chaos within the republican party right-wing group at large. There are Trump loyal republicans, conservative soon to be fired republicans. There are tech billionaire MAGAs and base supporter low-information cult MAGAs. The base MAGAs aggressively defend their dear leader victim of the non-existent deep state blame whoever Trump blames. Whatever rhetoric of the hour or day Trump spews is proof he is fixing stuff that Biden broke. For me, personally, I specify my information sources that includes Substack. I know pro-democracy participation should be focused at state and local government, and my state, Ohio (sigh), is a one party republican corrupted gerrymandered so there's a lot of work to do. At the federal level, if experts are correct, Trump won't be able to do all the damage as fast as he promised. I love science, passionate about biology, and I am learning more about viruses, replication mutations and vaccine science so if RFKjr takes over HHS I will be Horrified. RFK needs biology class. All Trump's nominees are frightening. I will end with hope firmly grounded in reality.

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May her memory be a blessing - she sounds like a wonderful woman.

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Absolutely true, Paul. You were one of my favorite writers - resigned? ousted? from WaPo months ago. I am very glad you are here, still writing intelligent insights about our culture. The backlash against compassion, truth, kindness, and acceptance of differences among humans, that define maga land, will now accelerate into more blatant bigotry; more derogatory remarks about environmentalism, civil rights and LGBTQ activistism, liberalism, and critical thinking education. LGBTQ persons will be forced back into the closet; their very existence is threatened. Violence against hated groups, and against women, will not only be tolerated, but encouraged. I do hope you are right about a backlash to the overreaches of maga backlash, in which we finally have a culture of civility, tolerance, and respect for each other.

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It is a small comfort, at least, that some people who are paying attention share my view of what has happened.

But don't be too sure of that backlash happening. Trump will have power enough..constitutional or frankly unconstitutional...to prevent the next election from happening or being honest: he is an expert on stolen elections.

But maybe more important...even if it is too late: we must try to teach ourselves not to hate "the other" lest we become just like what we think they are: hating others because of what we thnk they believe. Hating the person we don't know because we hate the "other" category that we are afraid of.

Democrat politicians have been careful not to play the hate game--at least on tape== but the on-line commenters have given the trump voters enough to feed on to think we hated them first.

Remember, a lot of these people voted for civil rights and for bill clinton and for obama. they are easily led, but we won't win them back by calling them names.

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Beautifully expressed, Paul.

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“If the public is going to keep being angry, get them angry at those who now have all the power. Create a backlash to the backlash. It can be done.”

What a world. Whipsaw ourselves until everyone is sick and tired of being cut in two over and over. What will be left?

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“Women will be removed from” society and placed back in the kitchens and bedrooms, with the thumbs and eyes of the decrepit old white xtian men of the government, along with their misogynistic obeisant, abused, brainwashed, cultified women, on them.

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