Trump and Vance are going to get someone killed. They will deny any role. The Republican Party will close ranks behind them. And the corporate media will magnify their excuse that it's all Biden's fault for letting the migrants take over the city of Springfield. There is no low too low either for Trump, Vance and the MAGAs, but for Republicans as a whole and the corporate media that keeps them relevant.
Disgusting, despicable, disturbing, and dangerous- Trump and Vance and their dog and cat story. We watched Trump and Vance accuse Haitians of being savages, demonizing them and calling them pet eaters. This stems ONLY from a place of racism.
Spreading false info,vicious lies towards a specific ethnic group is blatant racism. And even boasting about it.
When you’ve personally been a victim of this , you’d never ever support any one who belittles your race.
How about wearing this "Keep the immigrants, deport the racists" tee in front of bigots 👇
You are absolutely right. They are not simply talking about "deporting" immigrants, but about ethnic cleansing. it seems to me that the Republican party and its leaders are now basically making eugenicist arguments. There are two parts to eugenics, both of which they promote. The first is racial: there are supposedly inherently superior and inferior races. When Trump says that immigrants are poisoning "our" blood, he is making a eugenics argument. When Vance and Trump claim that Haitians are eating "our" pets, they are essentially making concealed eugenics arguments about their inherent racial characteristics. These white supremacist arguments eventually end in genocide.
The second part has to do with what the Nazis termed "asocials." These were people whose presence detracted from the health of the Volk. They were often unemployed, supposedly led "immoral" lives, and did not get with the program of strengthening the race. And because all "negative" characteristics were supposedly genetic, the asocials had to be prevented from reproducing. By not having children, "childless cat ladies" supposedly prove their worthlessness to society. They are "asocial." Backdoor eugenics is also what Vance's "thought experiment" about giving parents as many votes as they have children is about. You can be sure he means only the right parents. And in the American context, LGBTQ+ persons make ideal "asocials" to exploit for political purposes. Which they are already doing.
The Republican party is spouting dangerous stuff because aside from feeding the psychology of white male supremacy, potential policies are involved.
If "nobody mentions it any more and you keep getting elected" is "forgiveness", then there was forgiveness for the Iraq War, the Afghan War Lies, Global Financial Crisis.
The pandemic - who was on which side - is being forgotten as quickly as possible.
"Everybody getting along" is a higher priority than "justice", any time that the Law doesn't take specific action.
You don’t have to convince me. I’ve cut the bastards out of my life almost entirely outside of work, which since I’m retired, means I have almost nothing to do with Trump or any of his followers. I miss some of the social groups I used to belong to, but attending their events means having to be civil to Trump’s supporters and I’m no longer willing to do that.
If someone in a MAGA hat collapsed to the sidewalk right in front of me, I’d step over them and keep walking.
This is the worst political discourse by far and away that I have seen in my lifetime. He is sending dog howls to his base making it open season on immigrants and other groups that are within Trump’s sights. He must never, ever be permitted to come close to any power.
Paul, you are kidding yourself about the Nixon henchman. Haldeman and Ehrlichman served brief prison sentences and went on to make a bundle in the private sector. In the eyes of Republicans, their main offense was getting caught. If there was a stain attached to them, that was the source.
The rattling sound we hear is the dying of "Trump" who has contaminated our world with his uncontrolled rage for years. He is becoming so extreme because we do not really care about his endless drama and champion-level whiner skills. So he is now at the extreme where he will begin to hemorrhage magaheads' support as his claims evoke not fear but evoke laughter, they are so improbable. And, He is more and more the bully; there is one trait guaranteed to tick off an American - the spectacle of the bully.
Thank you for standing up for the truth and headlining the seriousness of the moral decline that the Maga movement that has mushroomed into the certainty of destruction on the level of the Third Reich and the Ku Klux Klan, as you rightly pointed out! Watching Tucker Carlson getting involved in prayer would be laughable it the complicity was not so evil-and lots of Pastors signing up, as if the pro-life defense justifies backing the trashing of the Constitution!!
The Bible from the prophets to John the Baptist emphasizes repentance goes hadn-in-hand with forgiveness, how else could justice prevail! The chance of hearing "I'm sorry" from a J.e.D Vance, or any other leader in this excuse for a political party wouldn't garner very good odds in Vegas!!
Republicans are following Adolf Hitler's Nazi playbook, exactly as it was to be played out. There are no excuses from this Hitler fascism Nazi type of behavior. Their shall be no forgiving of Nazis Americans or American fascist. They are what they are: death camp enabling sewer rats. Who have no decency or respect for human life except their own concerns. Fuck all you American fascist and Nazis! You're all Un-American and not worthy of living our democracy.
Trump and Vance are going to get someone killed. They will deny any role. The Republican Party will close ranks behind them. And the corporate media will magnify their excuse that it's all Biden's fault for letting the migrants take over the city of Springfield. There is no low too low either for Trump, Vance and the MAGAs, but for Republicans as a whole and the corporate media that keeps them relevant.
Disgusting, despicable, disturbing, and dangerous- Trump and Vance and their dog and cat story. We watched Trump and Vance accuse Haitians of being savages, demonizing them and calling them pet eaters. This stems ONLY from a place of racism.
Spreading false info,vicious lies towards a specific ethnic group is blatant racism. And even boasting about it.
When you’ve personally been a victim of this , you’d never ever support any one who belittles your race.
How about wearing this "Keep the immigrants, deport the racists" tee in front of bigots 👇
Remember this: All the GOP have is racism:
Migrant caravans
Haitians eating pets
Blood libel
"Black jobs"
Racism is their campaign.
Their style also attracts a group that thinks enlightenment has something to do with electricity! Not the coldest beers in the fridge, this bunch!!
You are absolutely right. They are not simply talking about "deporting" immigrants, but about ethnic cleansing. it seems to me that the Republican party and its leaders are now basically making eugenicist arguments. There are two parts to eugenics, both of which they promote. The first is racial: there are supposedly inherently superior and inferior races. When Trump says that immigrants are poisoning "our" blood, he is making a eugenics argument. When Vance and Trump claim that Haitians are eating "our" pets, they are essentially making concealed eugenics arguments about their inherent racial characteristics. These white supremacist arguments eventually end in genocide.
The second part has to do with what the Nazis termed "asocials." These were people whose presence detracted from the health of the Volk. They were often unemployed, supposedly led "immoral" lives, and did not get with the program of strengthening the race. And because all "negative" characteristics were supposedly genetic, the asocials had to be prevented from reproducing. By not having children, "childless cat ladies" supposedly prove their worthlessness to society. They are "asocial." Backdoor eugenics is also what Vance's "thought experiment" about giving parents as many votes as they have children is about. You can be sure he means only the right parents. And in the American context, LGBTQ+ persons make ideal "asocials" to exploit for political purposes. Which they are already doing.
The Republican party is spouting dangerous stuff because aside from feeding the psychology of white male supremacy, potential policies are involved.
If "nobody mentions it any more and you keep getting elected" is "forgiveness", then there was forgiveness for the Iraq War, the Afghan War Lies, Global Financial Crisis.
The pandemic - who was on which side - is being forgotten as quickly as possible.
"Everybody getting along" is a higher priority than "justice", any time that the Law doesn't take specific action.
It is clear that the White lady drove her truck into the Black guy's vehicle. Just look at the picture.
This man must be defeated. Period.
You don’t have to convince me. I’ve cut the bastards out of my life almost entirely outside of work, which since I’m retired, means I have almost nothing to do with Trump or any of his followers. I miss some of the social groups I used to belong to, but attending their events means having to be civil to Trump’s supporters and I’m no longer willing to do that.
If someone in a MAGA hat collapsed to the sidewalk right in front of me, I’d step over them and keep walking.
None whatsoever.
They need outed an ostracized.
Including the ones in my family.
This is the worst political discourse by far and away that I have seen in my lifetime. He is sending dog howls to his base making it open season on immigrants and other groups that are within Trump’s sights. He must never, ever be permitted to come close to any power.
Paul, you are kidding yourself about the Nixon henchman. Haldeman and Ehrlichman served brief prison sentences and went on to make a bundle in the private sector. In the eyes of Republicans, their main offense was getting caught. If there was a stain attached to them, that was the source.
The rattling sound we hear is the dying of "Trump" who has contaminated our world with his uncontrolled rage for years. He is becoming so extreme because we do not really care about his endless drama and champion-level whiner skills. So he is now at the extreme where he will begin to hemorrhage magaheads' support as his claims evoke not fear but evoke laughter, they are so improbable. And, He is more and more the bully; there is one trait guaranteed to tick off an American - the spectacle of the bully.
Thank you for standing up for the truth and headlining the seriousness of the moral decline that the Maga movement that has mushroomed into the certainty of destruction on the level of the Third Reich and the Ku Klux Klan, as you rightly pointed out! Watching Tucker Carlson getting involved in prayer would be laughable it the complicity was not so evil-and lots of Pastors signing up, as if the pro-life defense justifies backing the trashing of the Constitution!!
The Bible from the prophets to John the Baptist emphasizes repentance goes hadn-in-hand with forgiveness, how else could justice prevail! The chance of hearing "I'm sorry" from a J.e.D Vance, or any other leader in this excuse for a political party wouldn't garner very good odds in Vegas!!
Republicans are following Adolf Hitler's Nazi playbook, exactly as it was to be played out. There are no excuses from this Hitler fascism Nazi type of behavior. Their shall be no forgiving of Nazis Americans or American fascist. They are what they are: death camp enabling sewer rats. Who have no decency or respect for human life except their own concerns. Fuck all you American fascist and Nazis! You're all Un-American and not worthy of living our democracy.