No question that the violent, racist MAGA cult is eating this crap up, but do they have any idea that it does not play well with all of the rest of us? Or are they so convinced that the fix is in, it won't matter?

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The MAGA cult lives deep inside the bubble of Trump, Faux News, Newsmax, and the far right wing opium dens on Facebook, Twitter and Trump's own "Truth" network. They will never see, much less trust, CNN, MSNBC, the WP or NYT.

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True. And how does that play out?

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How does any cult play out when its cult leader dies? It struggles on for a while and then decays and disappears - though in the case of MAGA, there may well be substantial residual political & stochastic violence

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MAGA leaders and politicians are fighting with everything they've got because they understand that if Trump does not get back in the White House in January, 2025, there's a real chance that the entire Party of Trump - and it's defeated de facto führer - will totally implode into a spasm of violence, retribution and chaos. And needless to say, senior GOP politicians and right wing media stars will insist that they never "really" supported Trump - they just went along because (insert weasel words here, just like Lindsey Graham).

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Trump has an antiMidas touch; whatever he touches is quickly degraded to chaotic, self-serving fecal matter. And the GOP, liked hapless nest-befouling gorillas, wonder what is the source of the overwhelming stench. Let us hope Americans source the stench and reject it in November.

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Anyone not chilled by Paul’s analysis here better check their pulse.

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We really are living in Orwell's world, aren't we?

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As always, Paul's analysis is spot-on. I love the way he expresses the situation so clearly and exposes the rot on the right.

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There's an interesting parallel here with the 700 Club-type Evangelical propaganda, where the assumption is that, since non-believers don't have the threat of an angry God hanging over them, they all are doing all the sins constantly.

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Investigating the investigators didn’t work out too well. Good luck prosecuting the prosecutors

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