And worse, he is a fascist with an increasingly obvious and deteriorating dementia. That makes him doubly dangerous.

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And if he dies in office or otherwise becomes unable to continue as President, we get … Vance, who is arguably worse. And younger.

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“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini


People don’t realize just how much support fascists in Italy, Spain, and Germany were supported by corporations and big banks. There were a lot of big business interests in the US that supported Hitler’s rise to power. I frequently see people in the media express confusion at Republicans’ support of Putin. What Republicans were so adamantly opposed to was communism but now that Putin has become a fascist they admire him

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We MUST do everything we can to combat fascism. Voting is not going to stop fascism, but anything that puts a barrier between Trump and the executive will at the very least make it so that an authoritarian fascist regime is not guaranteed.

Remember that Trump wants and, if allowed, will become an American dictator who will take freedoms and rights from Americans, retaliate against and jail opponents, shut down the free press, and plunge America into a repressive state.

That's why this anti-Trump t-shirt is perfect for Halloween 👇


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Fascist to

Fascist is the charitable view. The Not so chargeable view Is that he is a post nazi.

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what does "also share as a note" mean?

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why is all the "security" here necessary. I wrote for a blog for years without a need for elaborate authentication. There was no problem until very recently when the original blog owner died and the subsequent owner decided he needed to censor comments he did not like. This turned out to be comments neither rude nor dishonest, but simply disagreed with the Censor's personal ego needs.

Meanwhile "authentication" and censorship are just a little bit fascist. It may just be that the times have changed, not for better.

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well said. but i don't think the word is what matters. as you point out a lot of people like the idea of solving their provlems with violence. and the whole Republican party seems fine with any blackmail or lies that will give them personal as well as party power. i think we may have already lost this war. the Dems seem to have been hoping they could stop Trumpism with Constitutional means. I think at the least we need now to find a way to make sure the Army will not follow "President" Trump's orders.

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What his, let's call them "fascist-adjacent," supporters don't seem to understand is that fascists eventually turn on whoever is a convenient scapegoat. Today it's immigrants and POC, but if he regains power, it'll be the aged, women, or his own people when they utter a single critical word. And though the New York Times is currently cheerleading for him, we all know it'll be labeled an enemy of the people and shut down too.

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Yes. We have seen the enemy [ read "danger' ], and they is we.

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